Friday, February 21, 2020

Cost-Effective Marketing

Marketing departments are seldom given enough money to accomplish what they feel they should accomplish on behalf of their brands. And marketing budgets are some of the first to be cut when organizational belt-tightening is required. So what is a marketing professional to do?

Here are some of the approaches I recommend to market brands on the cheap:

  • Strong media relations, especially with the most trusted industry publications
  • Generating publicity
  • Including well thought-through publicity stunts
  • Doing something outrageous or unexpected, something that will create a buzz
  • Holding contests
  • Creating a board of advisors
  • Creating new product preview events for your best customers and top prospects
  • Offering webinars on topics related to your brand's expertise
  • Authoring a blog
  • Writing a book
  • White papers to establish thought leadership
  • Speaking at meetings, conferences and trade shows
  • Establishing a customer referral program
  • Interacting with customers and potential customers on social media sites
  • Conducting surveys to identify prospects and build awareness for your brand
  • Creating customer clubs and meetups
  • Email newsletters with viral components
  • Automated, personalized email campaigns
  • Podcasts
  • YouTube channel
  • Influencer marketing
  • Supporting industry analysts
  • Building strong relationships with the industry's most trusted consultants
  • Business partner referrals
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Co-marketing with other non-competing brands
  • Using other people's money
  • Using LinkedIn to identify leads
  • Always suggesting that people share your content with others and providing them an easy way to do so
  • Including providing ways for people to share your content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and other popular websites
  • Always including strong branding, links and contact information on email signatures

Answers to the Luxury Brand's blog post quiz on Wednesday, February 12: 

1 - 3 (Opus)
2 - 4 (Phineas Auden)
3 - 2 (Briggs & Stratton M550)
4 - 3 (Janus CRX 507)
5 - 3 (Oliver Silas)
6 - 4 (Jasper Dashiells)
7 - 4 (Errazuriz Chardonnay Max Reserva Aconcagua Costa)
8 - 1 (Seraphina)
9 - 1 (Samuel Hutchins)
10 - 2 (Ascona)
11 - 1 (McPearson Z500)
12 - 2 (Spellman)
13 - 3 (Xanadu)
14 - 1 (Yacht Club de Cuomo)
15 - 3 (Basel International)
16 - 1 (The Crypt)
17 - 3 (Delatour)
18 - 3 (Lake Bord)

Brand Aid: A Quick Reference Guide to Solving Your Branding Problems and Strengthening Your Market Position sold here.


  1. This is needed to be sort out first. You have to count many factor to get a correct and precise result. You can then divide your business into different department and manage it with employee and customer support outsourcing companies.

  2. actually, i watched this movie twice because i sort of laughed a lot on the ugly truth movie“ unicc

  3. You can try out the best strategic plan to improve your business. You can try out the professional business plan company to ensure your profit in a successive way.

  4. The importance of a company's marketing and branding cannot be overstated. On the other hand, getting enough attention can be difficult at first. You might want to look into a Philadelphia SEO firm with enough efficient employees to do your assignment properly Marketing Agency Philadelphia.

  5. The firm will provide organic SEO services. Instead of influencing search engines, these SEO services will enhance your site's ranks organically. A competent SEO firm, for example, will only add high-quality links to your websites. Low-quality links might hurt your search engine results. Search engine optimization Philadelphia

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